AI Revolution: An Opportunity or a Challenge for Humanity?

The reality thus far is that technology is advancing at an incredible pace, as artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized many of the processes we are used to automating. There was a time when we believed that human creativity was irreplaceable, because that was what truly differentiated humans from machines. Is this still the case?

AI Revolution - An Opportunity or a Challenge for Humanity?

Some believe that AI will destroy jobs, while others praise AI as a tool for people to reach new heights. So which opinion is correct?

What is AI?

Artificial intelligence (AI) has leapt from the realm of science fiction into reality. However, how exactly does it work?

Artificial intelligence uses a combination of formulas and algorithms to build machines that mimic (and sometimes surpass) human capabilities. It’s hard to believe that artificial intelligence exists in almost every moment of our lives. Some examples of devices using AI are facial recognition on smartphones and virtual assistants like Alexa.

From a realistic point of view, human cognitive processes do not dominate artificial intelligence. That’s why it’s so effective at performing complex mechanical tasks, while being able to fail at more abstract ones. The same is true to this day.

Text and Image Maker: Creation Death

Smartphones, tablets and PCs have become everyday tools that in reality play the same role as canvases or paintbrushes. Today, digital art is clearly dominating the creative medium due to its multiple advantages such as better and faster results and increased flexibility. It’s not just the visual arts that are taking advantage of the leap into the digital realm. Other tasks, such as editing videos, writing or taking pictures, also become impossible while using a computer.

However you look at it, artificial intelligence has been in our lives for about a decade, albeit in a minor role. It makes everyday life easier in many ways, even if we don’t realize it. However, artificial intelligence is no longer satisfied with just playing a supporting role, but aims to lead people’s lives. If you join the School of Knowledge Engineering, the AI ​​has proven it is capable of writing its own Don Quixote.

There are other platforms that are just as powerful in the imaging industry, such as DALL-E, Stable-Diffussion, and Midjourney. Just text a description or a hint of what you want the image to look like, and the virtual machine will take care of the rest for you. While many outcomes are correct or perfect, it is a harbinger of what’s to come.

We tend to use our experiences and senses to alter the reality around us. Artificial intelligence performs the same task through mathematics. The input data fulfills this function, condensing the best representation of the image as if it were an equation that creates something entirely new.

Data Sources for AI

This act of translating concepts and ideas into tangible objects is an activity that needs to be documented in advance. While creating something new from scratch is an appealing thought, that’s often not the case. The environment nourishes your mind and imagination, and many references come from your own creativity, even if it is not intended. AI works the same way, or at least similarly.

AI uses large amounts of data to learn, known as machine learning. Like an artist, AI takes reference from data available online and uses it to create images, text and video. Meta is developing AI to create videos as we speak.

However, there are ethical discussions about this so-called database. Many artists are now seeing many of their works being illegally used to train these AI platforms.

Beyond that, AI is getting better at creating enhanced images. Artists like David Rubin or Jon Juarez are examples of people who have clearly spoken out against the subject.

However, there are still some AI champions. Some creators see artificial intelligence as another tool that can enhance artistic creativity. However, do we still hear the idea that digital art isn’t real art or that using auto-tune doesn’t mean you can sing?


Like it or not, artificial intelligence is still here. AI does, however, need to comply with laws related to intellectual property. If we want to live in harmony with AI in the future, we need to better regulate AI.

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